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                      GUANGDONG YIERDA INTELLIGENT & TECHNICAL INDUSTRIAL COMPANYL IMITED established in 2008, located in the toy city Chenghai, Guangdong. Our Company mainly design and produce all sort of Stunt R/C car and Intelligent Toys such as the amphibious tank, amphibious off-road truck, App Camera Car, Game Racing vehicles and so on. The distribution Channel had covered regions and countries in China, Southeast Asia, Middle East, Europe, and America.
                       The Production site management strictly in accordance with 7S requirements. Quality is our first priority. Our mission is to ensure the product complies with the national quality standard, European and American quality standard and Requirement from Clients, to grant ISO9001 International Quality System Certification, the National Mandatory 3C Certification, and the European BSCI Certification.

                      With great company culture atmosphere, YED has various management and technical experts, independent innovation with multiple Invention Patents, Utility Model Patents and Design Patents. And Awarded High-tech Enterprise in Guangdong Province.

                      As one of the Director member of Chenghai Toy Association, YED committed to persist in independent innovation, as always, to provide our client with new and unique products with high standard quality and service.


                TEL:0086-754-86162888 / 86163888 E-Mail:yed@coparecords.com

                CONTACT US

                TEL:0086-754-86162888 / 86163888 FAX:0086-754-85821588

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